“Startappz” publishes a case study to develop the user experience for some digital banking services.

CEO of Startappz stated: We can design applications that equip different associations with a unique user experience inspired by people’s experiences.
“Startappz” publishes a case study to develop the user experience for some digital banking services.
Amman, September, “Startappz” company – the company specializing in digital transformation processes – recently announced its published a case study about the process of developing a user experience for some digital banking services for smartphone applications to contribute knowledge related to building successful user experiences and which focuses on simulating users’ behavior and leads to the production of easy-to-use tools, in addition to, guaranteeing the real benefit of digital services.
In a press release, the company stated that it carried out the case study on innovative phone applications for the banking sector since it is one of the sectors which started to adopt and delve into the digital transformation approach, studying the opinions and experiences of more than forty people. The company also stated that the methodology of this study could be applied to the banking sector and companies and associations from different economic sectors.
The company – which received at the beginning of the current year a global award in the field of user experience – confirmed that it is capable of designing and developing a perfect user experience using the best practice in the UX/UI – which will result in designs and solutions which simulate users’ behavior in terms of needs and ease of use. And this, in turn, will increase the adoption and spread of these applications and reap the benefits provided for the organization or the user.
The company stated that the association will not be able to stand out from its competitors and will not benefit from the advantages and benefits of the applications if it does not place user experience within its priorities, spend money to reach an experience that meets the needs of customers, and most importantly, meets their expectations.
The company affirmed that if we want to provide a great user experience for the users of any product, then we need to design a product based on in-depth research on users driven by the vision of the user and his priorities concerning the technical feasibility of the design, where the goal of this research revolves around gathering a collection of quantitative, qualitative, and behavioral data to understand the needs of consumers and to learn more about the problem which the product resolves along with the best experience to provide, where the provision of an authentic service became widespread and similar across all competitors in the market.
In a recent global study, about 88% of online shoppers expressed their unwillingness to buy again from electronic websites, which provides a poor user experience. In a relevant context, 70% of online commercial activities fail due to the difficulty of using their services. On the other hand, according to Fosters, the return on investment achieved by designing a unique user experience enhances the customer conversion rate by up to 400%.
The Founder and Executive Director of “Startappz’’ company – Mohammad Khawaja – stated that investing in user experience became a “necessity” to the work of technology companies and to serve the sectors and companies which adopt digital transformation since competition is increasing, technology is developing, and the user is always on the lookout for the most accessible application. He pointed out that the most important thing today is not designing applications according to user experience. Still, we should increase the applications’ power by developing them from the point of view of the user himself.
Simply, Khawaja defined user experience as “a process where the user interacts with the digital service or application and his reaction to it – whether negative or positive – depends on the ease-of-use, complexity, and simplicity of the service; the benefits that it provides, time-saving, privacy, and security.” He stated that companies specializing in digital transformation must have an in-depth understanding of users, what they need, what they like, their abilities, and their limitations to improve the quality of user interaction and their perception of the product or any relevant services.
“Startappz” mainly focuses on digitally transforming companies and associations, especially those operating in the following sectors: communications, banks, and governments. We are working on enhancing user experience in new and innovative aspects so that it becomes smooth and easy to use – as much as possible, where the company managed to provide application services and digital tools to companies based in Jordan, Europe, and all of the member countries in the Gulf Cooperation Council.
For more information about the case study, visit the following website: