Startappz Participation in "Mobile 360 MENA 2020" - Digital Transformation For Telecoms

According to experts: Digital transformation is a necessity for all sectors under all circumstances

Amman – A group of Jordanian experts in the communications sector and in the field of digital transformation have recently stressed the urgency of the need for digital transformation across the world, because such transformation is no longer considered a luxury or a secondary issue. On the contrary, they have asserted that it has become a necessity with great potential benefit to all sectors and people, to the extent that they opted to describe it as a “National Interest” capable of improving people’s lives, and promoting economic growth and sustainable development.

The Jordanian experts strongly emphasized the importance of digital transformation at all times, and not just in times of crisis. They have expressed these opinions as part of their participation in the yearly convention of Global System for Mobile Communications (GSMA) association in MENA region “MENA GSMA Mobile 360.” They drew the attention of the audience to the role of the COVID-19 pandemic in highlighting the need for transformation, and its impact on promoting people’s awareness of new technologies and their increased use of mainly broadband internet. These changes need to be taken advantage of and built upon in the coming phase in order to facilitate a faster and deeper transformation in all fields and sectors.  

The group of experts also pointed to the significance of promoting investment in the process of digital transformation in the communications and information technology sector, and especially with regards to app development. They reminded the audience that this is only possible through a legislative and regulatory environment that nurtures transformation. Moreover, they demonstrated that developing the communications sector, and promoting information technology and smart app development, constitute the necessary infrastructure for effecting digital transformation.

GSMA annual conference was held virtually last weekend for two days through Webex platform under the title “Mobile 360 MENA Virtual 2020.” The conference convened representatives from mega corporations, policy makers, regulators, academics, and professionals from across the Middle East and North Africa. The discussions this year revolved around the pivotal topic of promoting the use of transformative technologies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chief Commissioner at Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) and CEO, Dr. Ghazi Jbour, said that digital transformation has become “A strategic and vital step for the future of any country,” focusing on its substantial benefits in boosting operational efficiency of companies and institutions, upgrading quality, and simplifying service procedures and cutting costs. He further emphasized that such a transformation process “creates an atmosphere conducive to innovation and creativity.” He further explained that digital transformation helps institutions and companies to expand their operations and reach a broader audience, and that it helps expedite commercial, manufacturing, and financial transactions with higher efficiency and quality.

Dr. Jbour commented to Al Ghad Newspaper, on the margins of the conference, saying that in order to achieve serious and swift strides toward digital transformation, “we need a holistic national strategy for the implementation of the transformation.” Such plans have to encompass all governmental sectors, institutions, and entities, and result in sector policies reaching all the way down to the level of the company or institution through a meticulous functional strategy. He went on to stress that digital transformation is not the responsibility of a single party, rather; it is a national duty applicable to everyone occupying a position of responsibility irrespective of the nature of their post, whether it be at a school, a university, a company, a plant, an institution, or a ministry. Each and every one of us is accountable when it comes to implementing strategies that facilitate digital transformation.

He also described some of the desirable consequences of digital transformation in both the communications sector and other sectors, including increased governmental competency and improved services in all sectors, in addition to a positive impact on the environment. He continued by saying that such a transformation decreases costs incurred by citizens and boosts their satisfaction. It also raises the national knowledge output capacity and strengthens knowledge-based economy. He pointed out that the pandemic has revealed an urgent need for comprehensive digital transformation, which can only be realistically achieved through the adoption of 5G technology. This technological jump is the only guarantee for the user of safe employment of technology through network slicing strategies, where sections of the network are set separately for remote learning, health, industry, transport, and other sectors. Most important of all, and after achieving all of the above, the safety of the network will be fortified in the face of cyber-attacks, and network staff will be trained in the field of cyber security and finding online protection tools, which will together boost network immunity.  

Mohamad Khawaja, CEO of Startappz (A Jordanian company specialized in digital transformation and development of smart technologies and apps), agreed with Dr. Jbour. He stressed that digital transformation has become a “definite requirement” for the communications sector and others, noting especially the significant and fast change in user behaviour prompted by the coronavirus situation, such as increased acceptance and use of e-services.

Mr. Khawaja reviewed his company’s experience in the implementation of smart technological methods with an emphasis on the current trends emerging during the pandemic. He explained the impact of these technologies on the future of the communications sector including contactless authentication, microchips, smart solutions, marketing automation, and artificial intelligence.

He said that a huge responsibility falls on the shoulders of regulatory entities of the communications sector, and on governments for keeping up with technological development, and passing legislation and regulations that support the adoption of new technologies. As a consequence, this would help companies in implementing smart and efficient solutions that facilitate reaching the user at home, and fosters innovation and creativity in companies that develop smart apps.

He indicated that his company has created several smart products that help communications companies in the process of digital transformation and facilitate reaching their clients. Some of these products have been: AutoPilot, which is an app that empowers the client through self-care and full service control down to the smallest details. Infinity is another app that confers service marketing automation based on customer behaviour, with the aim of maintaining the customer and providing them with dynamic offers that change automatically in concert with their behavioural change. Finally, SIMless app implements “e-SIM” chip service across smart phones, wearable technology, and devices of Internet of Things.

It is worth noting that Startappz is one of the most distinguished expert firms in the field of smart technology. It works side by side with major communications operators, governments, banks, airlines, and other partners in fast-growing sectors. The company has garnered extensive experience through working with clients in Amman, Riyadh, and Dubai. Its role has definitely been of major significance in the communications sector, and this has converted it into a destination for proficient and capable business management, and for developing company performance. Furthermore, Startappz employs digitization to make available high quality services and products and a competitive business environment.

Digital transformation is a hot topic around the world today, and this is demonstrated by a bill of 335 billion dollars for transformation in the industry sector in the year 2019. The equivalent number has been 116 billion dollars in the transportation sector, 98 billion dollars in the retail sector, and 46 billion dollars in digital innovation. On the other hand, the price tag of digital transformation has reached 29 billion dollars in the sector of supply chain improvement according to International Data Corporation (IDC) website. Moreover, this website projects 2 trillion dollar expenditure on digital transformation until 2022.

In turn, engineer Jawad Jalal Abbassi, head of MENA GMSA, stressed that digital transformation in any country is no longer considered a luxury or a secondary issue. On the contrary, it has become a necessity for all times: good times and times of crisis, such as the coronavirus crisis, which has highlighted the importance of transformation more than ever before.

Engineer Abbassi added that the coronavirus situation has shown that governments and communications regulators should speed up the passing of legislation and regulation that would help push digital transformation in the communications sector and other economic sectors.

He explained that national interest requires “maintaining the incentive for investment in mobile phone and broadband internet networks” according to a formula that serves the interests of all parties and keeps a fair balance between them. These relevant parties include the consumer, the economy, the treasury, the state, and network investors who expect a reasonable return on their investment. He emphasized that burdening investors with more than they can bear, will definitely result in loss of interest in investing in networks.

It is worth noting that Global System for Mobile Communications (GSMA) is considered the leading international entity concerned with development of the mobile communications sector in the world. It has 750 member operators and 400 member mobile communications service companies around the world.      

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