ONE CLICK to buy options!

Abstract all types of online banking and how it is essential to all business industries. As you know, “ there is nothing for free,” but Fintech could be by making it easier for customers to use their transitions and payment methods to interact with both sides ( sender & receiver).

ِِAt Startappz, we all love how simple online shopping has become. Thanks to a slick user interface and experience (UI/UX) and one-click-to-buy options, money flows easier than ever. As such, user-friendly purchasing has become the norm and is being increasingly adopted across all industries.

However, while many online purchases are low cost and come with generous return policies – resulting in few cases of buyer’s remorse – some have higher stakes. People are now arguing that for long-term, expensive commitments – like car insurance, for instance – the purchasing process should be more accountable, encouraging the buyer to understand exactly what they’re buying.

It’s a point raised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in May 2021, with plans to put “a higher level of consumer protection in retail financial markets.” But what will this look like in practice? How can banks and financial services firms provide a high-quality, slick customer experience while ensuring their customers are fully aware of what they’re purchasing?

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UX/UI case study- Bank mobile App

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